album: Utada Hikaru "Heart Station"
who is this person? why should I care?
If you are on MY blog and have no idea who Utada is... you must be new. -___-
"Hikki" has been referred to as the "Britney Spears of Japan" - in that she is just that BIG- not that she's, you know... a hot mess... because as far as I can tell, she is quite the opposite.
ANYWAYS-- THE MUSIC! To anyone who knows very little about Japanese pop music, they would probably know Utada best for the themesongs to Kingdom Hearts 1&2; in both English and Japanese. Her music is catchy, poetic and filled with emotion. As far as her albums go, I would say "Heart Station" is one of her lighter, more fun collections. I love every single track-- there is no sense of hit or miss at all!
The only thing I wish this album had was a bit more colour in the artwork. Honestly... just some colour. Usually Hikki does not fail to produce some interesting album artwork.
U.S. release track list:

19 rainbow busses out of 20
I ordered the import CD, because I'm sneaky like that.
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