If you are unhappy with the person you are; with your job, your life- you are the only person who can change yourself, and you will only change if you *want* change.
You may be depressed or suicidal, even-- but no one else can magically come by and 'cure' you; you have to decide to get better.
Help is out there but you have to be willing to ask for it and work towards changing yourself and your surroundings.
Alot can happen in a year- if you let it happen.
Now, on a less serious note... CAKE!
I wanted to share my birthday cake with everyone- but a photo is the best I can do!
It's just a cheap store bought one but it was delicious! The strawberries were so ripe and sweet- filled with a yummy custard~ enjoy! (my photo... of cake... haha)
As for future updates--
Yes, I plan to update more often than I have been doing in the past few months but I need to get both of my computers reformatted... as they have both been taken over by aliens- I mean- a really nasty worm.
I've got several projects still on the go as well as a free digital single CD which I will post more about next month.
Until then, take care!
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