Saturday, June 5, 2010

Where'd ya' go?!

First of all, I need to apologize... to everyone.
To my real life-in the flesh friends who were worried sick and driven my youtube friends for disappearing. To Kenny, especially- for being difficult and too much of a coward to talk about anything. I'm sorry, guys. Sometimes shit just piles up and there's not a whole lot you can do about it except go away for awhile and try to deal with it.

I was having a really hard time with alot of stupid stuff. With life, really.
I guess I finally realized that sometimes things happen that you don't count on- and you have to find a way to work around it. I'm not very good at working around things...

I'd been in a relationship with someone for a very long time. He had become my security blanket/my best friend/ the only person I trusted... and when the relationship ended suddenly, I didn't know what to do with myself. That's how my problems started.
I should say to everyone-- if you are feeling lonely and sad and desperate- talk to someone about it. It's not good to keep everything inside, because it will all just get alot worse.

I've also been dealing with alot of health issues lately. Being in and out of the hospitals really isn't fun at all. I've got digestion problems and blood/immune system faults that cause me to be sick often. It's my own responsibility to keep ontop of things, but the past year of my life had been so hectic that I just stopped paying attention and ended up getting really sick.

I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me though.
I've been trying my best lately to get better and to heal mentally as well as physically.
Like I said... sometimes you just need to get away for awhile.
I got away from the internet because I was feeling rejected- but at one point or another; everyone will get rejected from something or another. It's best to try not to linger on the past and instead- focus on the present and working forward.

So... I was home this whole year, dealing with stuff.
I'm okay, I'm healthy now and I would like to get back to my... online life. XD

It'll take me awhile to get things organized again- and I would like to keep my promises from now on, too! No more doing things half-assed, either! >D
Lets get started, shall we?!

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